Routine dental x-rays such as a panoramic x-ray can give hints about what might be going on in the joint space, but alone are not diagnostic for the condition of the bones associated with the jaw joint. It will frequently be necessary to obtain a 3D image of the joint through the use of a technology not typically found in a dental office. This image is called a CBCT scan or Cone Beam. You may be referred to a diagnostic imaging center to have this completed.
It depends. We will be able to run some simple tests to determine the amount of advancement required to prevent snoring. On occasion, it takes a period of time to adjust your appliance to the best possible position; one where you will wake feeling rested, minimize snoring noise and allow you a comfortable night’s sleep. We will do everything in our power to help you get into this position.
Nothing lasts forever. Your appliance is going to be used every night for 6-8 hours. We anticipate that your appliance will need to be replaces in 5-7 years. This could be sooner in people who are heavy bruxers and clenchers or those who do not take care of their appliance.
Generally, your subjective symptoms will improve within 30-60 days. We work with you to ensure that this happens as quickly as possible.
Because you will be seeing a dentist with advanced training in treating sleep apnea, we can assure you that every possible precaution will be made to prevent any possible harm to your occlusion (the way your teeth come together) and your TMJ. But despite all care, it is possible to have some consequences in these areas.
620 Churchmans Road, Suite 203
Newark, DE 19702
1149 Lancaster Avenue, Unit 5
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010